Emmie has been acting a little under the weather the last few days, so we've been keeping a close eye on her... Thursday night, while she was having a light snack, she decided to reenact a scene from the Exorcist by projectile vomiting about three feet. I may not be the best person to tell this story, as at the time it happened I was trying my best to fall back asleep and pretend I didn't hear anything, but from where I was laying I heard an awfully loud noise followed by Mommy's cry of surprise! After that happened, we decided to call the doctor the next morning.
After a short hour and a half drive down to Bloomington, the doctor took a look at Emmie and determined that she had a mild ear infection. We've been given some medicine to give her, but it smells like Pepto-Bismol, is thicker than maple syrup, and pretty much looks like some unholy cross between crude oil and cotton candy sludge... not fun stuff, but hopefully it does the trick!

"Is it cold in here, or is it just me?"