Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Turkey Day!

I know, it's a few days late, but we have a good excuse - we were in Arizona, enjoying Thanksgiving with Grampster and Nanster. We have plenty of pics that we will share over the next few days... here's one to tide you over in the meantime:

Emmie in her "My First Thanksgiving" sleeper, complete with a turkey-bow (made by Mommy) and a turkey-toy (made in China).

Monday, November 24, 2008

It's laundry day!!!

We figured it's never too early to have Emmie help us out with the chores, so I decided that she could help me out with folding the laundry. This wasn't the best idea because all Emmie did was drool all over daddy's socks which just made more laundry to wash. Here is a picture of Emmie helping out:

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Clap your hands say yeah

Emmie is apparently a multi-tasker: not only is she working on her first tooth (albeit very slowly), she's also mastering how to clap. Check out the video:

I guess Emmie is easily impressed :)

Winter is here...and it's cold!

Emmie was not a big fan of the 30 degree weather we took here out in this last weekend, especially because she kept losing her socks. Emmie is much happier staying home today and bundling up on the couch. Here is a picture of Emmie enjoying her Lazy Day...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

It's Saturday Night!!

Time to kick back, relax, and fill some diapers!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Meeting of the Emersons

We used to think that Emerson was a fairly unique name, but we seem to be running into babies named Emerson all the time. The funniest part is that in her gymboree class of 4 babies there is another Emerson (who also goes by Emmie) Here is a picture of the two of them at class...

Emerson and Emerson enjoying some baby bowling

Here's one of our little Emerson after she knocked the other Emmie off the ramp... there can be only one.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Holiday Hat

Since it's starting to get colder now (it almost snowed today!) we simply *had* to get this hat - it's warm, covers Emmie's ears, and looks quite cute:

As you can see, it sticks way out in the back, which makes Emmie look like a little chubby-cheeked elf ;)

Apparently Emmie approves! (or at least enjoys being warm and toasty)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Getting Bigger

Emmie may not be very chubby, but she certainly is tall for her age (she didn't get that from mommy!) That being said, she is on the verge of outgrowing her carseat, so here are a few pictures from her very first car trip home until now...

Car ride home from the hospital - 2 days old

Emmie enjoying the park at 4 months old

Smiling on the way home from the grocery store at 7 months