Friday, February 19, 2010

Even more snow pictures

Just what you wanted to see...more pictures of Emerson playing in the snow. Unfortunately there is not much else to do when you have snow everywhere. Emerson still loves playing in the snow, but I think she enjoys eating it even more!

What!? It wasn't yellow.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

First pictures of (name to be determined)

Today we went and had a 4D ultrasound of (we will figure out a name soon). She looks so much like Emerson it is scary. Here are some of the pictures along with some pictures of Emerson when she was first born to compare them to.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

It's been awhile since we posted, but it is still cold and snowy here. We have been trying to entertain Emerson with new things to do and there is no better way to do that than to give her all sorts of different foods to eat. As you all know, Emerson is very small and the doctors have recommended pumping her full of calories to get weight on her. So, here are some pictures of Emmie following doctor's orders.

Even after a tasty pastrami sandwich and corndogs, she would still prefer to eat mushrooms, bell peppers, and lettuce. I guess we shouldn't complain that she prefers to eat healthy. :)