The adventures of Emerson Rose, Delaney Sage, and Isla Gray
I am not sure why Emerson has a helmet on and why he thought they needed to be put into a "cage" but I guess they enjoyed themselves.
Emerson's first movie night, we watched Tangled. BTW: she dressed herself as a princess.
As you can tell, Emmie was quite excited to see all the stuff Santa brought...
It was at this point I realized that Laney's stocking could actually hold Laney.
No, this picture isn't blurry; Emmie was just opening things that fast...
Tabby eventually ventured downstairs to see what Santa brought her.
Here's a typical Emmie reaction to her presents. She really liked everything she got.
Here's Delaney helping Daddy open his present. I think they were both excited for the new toy!