Just thought I'd share a few lessons I've learned from the limited time I've been changing diapers. Feel free to comment with any that I've missed:
Do - Make sure you have a diaper handy... It's really hard to juggle a poopy baby while trying to open a new bag of diapers. It's also frustrating to go through all that work and then find out there was another bag already open, hehe...
Don't - Eat butternut squash soup prior to changing the baby's diaper. I haven't actually compared the two in person, but I'm pretty confident that they look identical.
Do - Use as many baby wipes as necessary. Half the time I found I was merely pushing the mess around, rather than picking it up. I use at least 3 wipes per diaper change just to be safe.
Don't - Think that the baby you've been cuddling for half an hour is merely sweaty from being held. There's an awfully good chance that there was a diaper malfunction down below.
Do - Pay attention to which way the baby's facing once the diaper has come off. At least with my little lady she doesn't pee very far, but I'm sure it's a real danger with boys.
Don't - Drop the bottle of rubbing alcohol on the floor; I don't think it stains, but now the whole office smells like you're about to get a shot. Not exactly pleasant.
Do - Marvel at the lack of modesty your little one has when it comes to passing gas. At least I get a fake smile out of it, so that's something.
Don't - Expect your baby to sit still for a diaper change. No matter how tired or sleepy Emmie is prior to the diaper coming off, she invariably becomes a kung-fu master once she was naked. And naturally, her instincts are to try and rub the rest of her (previously clean) legs and feet all over the disaster area. Socks are particularly susceptible to becoming victims.
<------Who, me? I'm innocent, I assure you!
Outfit: Courtesy of G-Pa Bryan and G-Ma Nan
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