Saturday, August 23, 2008

Book Review: Maurice the Hippo

Today Emmie is reviewing "Maurice the Hippo" by Claire and Maarten Bos. Mommy and Daddy picked out the book for its colorful pictures, but it's also got some "high"-larious writing. Here's Emmie's review:

Title: Maurice the Hippo

Rating: / 5

About the book:

The story of "Maurice the Hippo" is a moving depiction of the oppressive racial discrimination that flourished in the early years of the United States, laying the foundation for the intense hatred between the Northern industrial states and the Southern agricultural states, which relied heavily on slavery for cheap labor. Just kidding! "Maurice the Hippo" is about, well, a hippo named Maurice. I'm not actually sure what else it's about, as the writing is a little crazy. Take this passage for example: "Maurice tries a wiggly wig-prickly, tickly, thingumajig." If you can make sense of that, please let me know! But at least the words are fun to listen to.
"I highly recommend the corners, as they are particularly tasty!"

"That's a big, polka-dot, hippo butt!"
Conclusion: This book was both tasty and fun to look at, so I highly recommend it to you. I also recommend you try a "pompom custard cake", whatever that is...

1 comment:

dancingmelissa said...

Congrats on the bar exam. Is Emmy studying too? She's a cutie. Wait til she starts walking. Eating book is just the beginning.