Wednesday, October 8, 2008

6 months old!!

October 4th was Emmie's half-birthday, and we celebrated in style - we went to the Fall Festival at Daddy's work. It was a beautiful day (albeit a bit chilly) and Emmie had quite a bit of fun. Here are some pics:

Here's Emmie enjoying some shade, while everyone half-celebrates her half-birthday....

Here's Mommy, introducing Emmie to Bingo. Sure, Bingo seems harmless enough, but everyone knows its a gateway game to the lottery, then to Keno. Pretty soon you're down at the tracks, putting everything on "the pretty pony" and then Big Vinny's coming after you...

Here's Daddy, teaching Emmie about fractions and colors... useful stuff if you want to succeed in life. Any resemblance to Roulette is simply coincidental I assure you :)

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