Friday, June 18, 2010

Miscellaneous Mischief

 Since it's been a while, I thought I'd share a bunch of pictures we've taken over the last couple of weeks. There's no rhyme or reason here, just some cute pictures. Please enjoy!

 Here's Delaney and Emerson enjoying some nice bonding time in Emmie's bed...

 Here's Emmie clarifying that she's still the stronger one, just so Laney doesn't get any ideas...

 "Does my breath smell like bubbles?  Cool!"

 "So, who thinks the boat will float?  Remember what I told you, the displacement is equal to the volume times the density of water.  And Timmy - we're sticking with the metric system here, ok?"

 Proving you can rock out with just some jewelry on....

 Emmie sure loves limes...

"And that's how you make turtle soup!"

"So this is what everything is supposed to taste like?  Tastes like plastic if you ask me..."

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