Friday, April 25, 2008

A Trio of Pictures

Emmie continues to amuse us every day, and we've been trying to get her outside so she can experience new things. Her sleeping has become a little bit better; she's less fussy at night, but she still wants to eat every hour or so. I've gotten pretty good at sleeping through some of her monkey noises, so Melissa's had some long nights. Here are a few cute picture of Emmie from the last couple of days:

I think the T-shirt says it all here... No, I don't know why her head looks so huge compared to her body here; she's like a bobble-head, hehe...

Here Emmie was taking part in a philosophical debate with me, maintaining that while Descarte's skepticism may have had its virtues, from a pragmatic standpoint it fails to provide any real world observations that can be applied in today's world. I think she got me on that.

Emmie's first pair of sunglasses... I think their almost as big on her as Mommy's glasses are on Mommy, hehe... I think she'd fit right in on the O.C.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the updates. We are so proud of both of you - Emmie is
cuter by the day!

We can't wait to meet Emmie and
think the three of you are a perfect family!

Love to all three of you,

G-Pa and G-Ma (Bryan and Nan)

Rebecca Loyd said...

I don't know if you can ever match the size of Melissa's sunglasses:)

Donna Lee Peabody said...

All I can say is "Quirito ergo sum" Thanlks for all the pictures we sure enjoy seeing them. :)
