Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Emmie's First Christmas

As promised, here are some pictures from Christmas. Emmie had a great time in California, and she's enjoying all of her presents!

Here's Emmie, opening her stocking. It's been helpfully labeled "Emerson", although I suppose she can't read it yet. Daddy has a matching stocking, meaning Mommy is the oddball. Her stocking faces the other way, as if she's snubbing us. (Hey, wait a minute....)

Yes, Emmie got a pony! We don't think she even knows *what* a pony is yet, but she likes it just the same. Here she seems to be more concerned about how she's supposed to fit this thing in the overhead compartment.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

We're not in right now...

...We're in California for the Holidays. We will be back up and running and posting adorable Christmas pictures of Emmie in a few days. I hope everyone is having fun.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Emmie's first present

Since we're going to be in California for Christmas, we decided that Emmie would get to open her present from us before we left. We didn't want the airport security guy to have all the fun unwrapping it, so here we go:

Emmie began with some tentative pokes and grabs at the paper, but then her instinctive present-opening reflex kicked in, and she had the present unwrapped in no time! I suppose it helped that a certain Mommy kindly moved the ribbon out of the way...

While Emmie has the unwrapping skill down, she has yet to master the "throw the paper to the side so you can get straight to the toy" skill down yet. She got a bit tripped up on the wrapping paper, but then again when you're her age I suppose the paper is half the fun ;)

We hope all of you have a great Christmas, wherever you are!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Santa Baby

Emmie has been trying to figure out what she got for Christmas. I guess it's good she doesn't understand how to unwrap a gift by herself.

Just ignore the cat's tail in the lower right hand corner...hehe

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Our 100th post!!!

Let's celebrate our 100th post with another cute picture of little Emerson.

No, Emerson was not electrocuted by the XMas lights...her hair really is that crazy. :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Shopping Fun

Christmas is just around the corner, so my sister came down to visit last weekend and do some shopping. Emmie had a good time shopping with her Aunt and Uncle and looks adorable in the santa suit they bought her (pictures to come) Here is a photo of Emmie with her Auntie Nique and Uncle Caleb.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Snow Day!!!

Well, it is officially winter and Emmie got to experience her first snow. She seemed to enjoy the cold and watching the snow fall...it even looked like she was trying to catch the snowflakes on her tongue. Her is a video of Emmie enjoying her first snow day:

Monday, December 8, 2008

More Turkey Day Fun

As promised here are some more pictures from our trip to Arizona for Thanksgiving...

Emmie's first encounter with a dog...she liked Mittens almost as much as her kitties.

Mommy and Emmie enjoying the beautiful weather

Emmie with her Grampster

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Just to say Hi!!!!

We've been busy lately, so we haven't had time to post much. Here is a cute picture of Emerson picking out a Christmas tree with mommy and daddy...
Here Emmie is expressing her opinion of the tree that we selected. :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Airborne Baby

So, I was very nervous about flying with Emmie, but she did wonderfully!!! She slept for an hour or so of the trip and was in good spirits for the rest. Here are some photos of Emmie's first plane ride:

Little Emmie sleeping through the turbulence

Looking outside wondering why the clouds are so low.

Emmie opted for a bottle instead of the tasty plane food.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Turkey Day!

I know, it's a few days late, but we have a good excuse - we were in Arizona, enjoying Thanksgiving with Grampster and Nanster. We have plenty of pics that we will share over the next few days... here's one to tide you over in the meantime:

Emmie in her "My First Thanksgiving" sleeper, complete with a turkey-bow (made by Mommy) and a turkey-toy (made in China).

Monday, November 24, 2008

It's laundry day!!!

We figured it's never too early to have Emmie help us out with the chores, so I decided that she could help me out with folding the laundry. This wasn't the best idea because all Emmie did was drool all over daddy's socks which just made more laundry to wash. Here is a picture of Emmie helping out:

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Clap your hands say yeah

Emmie is apparently a multi-tasker: not only is she working on her first tooth (albeit very slowly), she's also mastering how to clap. Check out the video:

I guess Emmie is easily impressed :)

Winter is here...and it's cold!

Emmie was not a big fan of the 30 degree weather we took here out in this last weekend, especially because she kept losing her socks. Emmie is much happier staying home today and bundling up on the couch. Here is a picture of Emmie enjoying her Lazy Day...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

It's Saturday Night!!

Time to kick back, relax, and fill some diapers!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Meeting of the Emersons

We used to think that Emerson was a fairly unique name, but we seem to be running into babies named Emerson all the time. The funniest part is that in her gymboree class of 4 babies there is another Emerson (who also goes by Emmie) Here is a picture of the two of them at class...

Emerson and Emerson enjoying some baby bowling

Here's one of our little Emerson after she knocked the other Emmie off the ramp... there can be only one.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Holiday Hat

Since it's starting to get colder now (it almost snowed today!) we simply *had* to get this hat - it's warm, covers Emmie's ears, and looks quite cute:

As you can see, it sticks way out in the back, which makes Emmie look like a little chubby-cheeked elf ;)

Apparently Emmie approves! (or at least enjoys being warm and toasty)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Getting Bigger

Emmie may not be very chubby, but she certainly is tall for her age (she didn't get that from mommy!) That being said, she is on the verge of outgrowing her carseat, so here are a few pictures from her very first car trip home until now...

Car ride home from the hospital - 2 days old

Emmie enjoying the park at 4 months old

Smiling on the way home from the grocery store at 7 months

Friday, October 31, 2008

Treat or Treat!

When you're this cute, it's hard to believe there's no trick:

Here's ladybug Emmie, getting ready for take-off...

If only someone made a bucket of candy as big as me...

Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Food Quiz

Emmie's had the chance to try several different kinds of food. See if you can match the disgusted look to the food she was trying for the first time! The food choices are: (a) oatmeal cereal; (b) carrots; (c) sweet potato; (d) pears; (e) green beans; and (f) squash. Answers at the bottom of the post.

Face 1

Face 2
Face 3

Face 4

Face 5

Face 6


Face 1 - Pears
Face 2 - Green Beans
Face 3 - Carrots (note - she didn't actually like them; I think she was happy we were done trying to feed her)
Face 4 - Squash
Face 5 - Sweet Potato
Face 6 - Oatmeal Cereal

Saturday, October 25, 2008

She's on fire

Well, more like "she's near a fire, and a controlled one at that." Since it was cold outside today, we decided to try using our fireplace for the first time. Emmie enjoyed looking at the flames and definitely enjoyed getting her toes nice and toasty. Here are some pictures:

We convinced Emmie that "S'mores" consisted of putting your fingers in your mouth. We also convinced her that "ice cream" involved eating your feet. So as far as she's convinced she's getting plenty of sweet treats.

I'm not sure why Emmie's trying to do the hula dance, but there you go.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hippie Girl

Mommy and Emmie dropped by for lunch today, and Emmie was wearing this adorable tunic. I took a couple of pics after I got home, and Emmie showed off her "leaning into something for support while it looks like I'm standing" skills. I think Emmie was enjoying her photo shoot, as she let me take quite a few shots. Here's one with, and one without, the flash (I think she looks quite different in each):

I wonder if this is what Emmie would have worn if she was born in 1968, rather than 2008?

As you can see, Mommy's hands are close by if Lady Gravity tries anything sneaky...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sitting pretty in the shade

Emmie's getting better at sitting up on her own, although she still needs someone nearby to help her if she starts to get off balance. We found our backyard is a great place to work on her sitting: between the grass to distract her and keep her balanced, and the slight slope of the hill, she's pretty much able to sit there all day. Here are some pics:

Here's Emmie and Daddy enjoying one of the first nice Fall days.

Looks like Emmie's trying to help with the lawn mowing, one tiny fistful at a time...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

6 months old!!

October 4th was Emmie's half-birthday, and we celebrated in style - we went to the Fall Festival at Daddy's work. It was a beautiful day (albeit a bit chilly) and Emmie had quite a bit of fun. Here are some pics:

Here's Emmie enjoying some shade, while everyone half-celebrates her half-birthday....

Here's Mommy, introducing Emmie to Bingo. Sure, Bingo seems harmless enough, but everyone knows its a gateway game to the lottery, then to Keno. Pretty soon you're down at the tracks, putting everything on "the pretty pony" and then Big Vinny's coming after you...

Here's Daddy, teaching Emmie about fractions and colors... useful stuff if you want to succeed in life. Any resemblance to Roulette is simply coincidental I assure you :)

Friday, October 3, 2008

All we are saying...

Is give *peas* a chance!

Emmie's been working on rice cereal, and now oatmeal cereal, with some (mixed) success. It certainly isn't enough to replace good ol' mommy milk, but we've been trying to give her a couple of bites of something more solid in the evenings. After having no luck with the oatmeal tonight, we tried some peas for the first time. I think Emmie's thoughts are pretty clear from the pictures:

Here she's burning Daddy's face into her memory as the person responsible for administering this god-awful stuff...

It's like the Exorcist, only slightly more annoyed.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Mommy!

From the rest of us in the Peabody household...
Happy Birthday Mommy!

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

From Toes to Nose...

These are a few of my tastiest things:

Ok, maybe not so tasty: