Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Now that we're back, it's time for some pictures from our trip:
Here's Emmie enjoying a nice dinner at her grandparent's house. The rest of us agreed to sit with her on the condition that we didn't have to wear bibs.

Emmie got some lotto scratchers in her stocking. Mommy claims she didn't have any winners, but I'm not convinced...
Must be nice to get a gift that's taller than you...

After all the excitement of Christmas, Emmie was ready for sleep, as long as Lenny was watching over her :)
We had a great time seeing everyone - Hope you had a great Christmas!

Monday, December 28, 2009

We're Back!

We are back from our vacation and will be posting pictures of our fun times soon.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

First Snow of the Season!

We've had some pretty cold weather lately, including our first substantial snow of the season. Emmie had a blast running around and playing in it, as seen below:

Here's Emmie hanging out by the bush, plotting her next move...

At first Emmie decided against wearing gloves, although she quickly changed her mind.

Here's Emmie, hiking uphill, in the snow, both ways. I'm sure she'll remind her kids someday.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Turkey-Turkey Day

Hope all of you had a great Turkey Day! We had a fun time here at home; the weather was quite cold and wet, making it the perfect day to stay home and enjoy a fire. Here are some picture of the festivities:

Here's Emmie munching on a green onion while deciding on her next victim, err... vegetable.

Emmie got a variety of tasty foods to try, including cranberry sauce.
I'm guessing she thought it would be sweet....

Since she made the super-sour face once she ate it!

Nothing like a nice fire to lounge in front of after you stuff yourself...

And we'll end it with a fashion show!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

New Hat???

Emmie loves accessorizing her outfits with bracelets, scarves, shoes and especially hats. Here, Emmie is modeling the latest fashion in hatwear (which is really just a trick or treat bucket turned upside down) Don't tell her though, because she thought it looked good with her outfit.

Do you like my new hat?? I think the cat does.

I look good!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Rockin' Baby

Sorry we haven't posted in awhile, but nothing too exciting has been going on lately. Emerson has been busy babbling and trying to talk up a storm and she LOVES to sing now. We bought her a fake microphone and she likes to carry it around and sing whenever the mood strikes... even if she doesn't know the song that is playing. Below is a video of Emmie showing off her beautiful singing voice as well as some smooth dance moves.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Sweet!

Emmie dressed up for Halloween this year as a little bumblebee... We took her to the law school down in Bloomington for some good ol' fashioned trick-or-treating. As you can see from the pictures below, she made out like a bandit!

So basically what you're saying is that if I run around this place
dressed silly I'll get candy? Sign me up!

Who puts wrappers on candy? Seriously... slows me down.

Okay, take my picture - I'll just help myself to a little more candy.
Yes, two handfuls should do the trick...

I can't imagine why my parents haven't given me lollipops before, they seem like such fun!

Hmm... could use a little refill. Can we go again?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Lego time!

Here are some pictures from the Lego discovery center in Schaumburg, Illinois. I think Daddy had more fun than the rest of us, but here you go:

Here's a little lego city.

Wonder what the rent is like?

Emmie suddenly realizes that she doesn't know whether
lego tigers are any less dangerous than regular tigers....

Here's Emmie testing her creation out to see if it can withstand an earthquake.

Apparently Daddy needs some advice as to what piece to use. Yellow, in case you're wondering.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Pumpkin Post

Before it got too cold here, we took Emerson to a local orchard with a pumpkin patch. Here are some pictures of the adventure:

Hmm... those look like apples...

Okay, that looks like corn... where are the pumpkins?

Aha! Some pumpkins :)

Maybe you eat them?

I'll take a snack-sized one if that's OK...

Ok, look... just hold it for a sec, k? Really, I'll carry it the rest of the time...

This is more like it - let someone else do the picking!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Evil Eyes

You feel it before you see it - the hairs on your neck begin to quiver; a brisk chill races down your spine. For a moment the world seems a bit darker... And then, it happens: the Evil Eye! It attacks without warning, and spares no one from its icy gaze. Look, if you dare -

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Watermelon and... Ice Cream?

Emmie has found a new favorite food...Watermelon!!! We were amazed when she ate six slices the other day for breakfast and continued eating watermelon when we went out to lunch. Here are some pictures of Emmie enjoying her watermelon.


The following pictures contain graphic images of violence towards an innocent fruit

Once all the Watermelon was gone she topped herself off by devouring her own personal ice cream cone.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Glasses Gal

Emerson LOVES playing with our glasses, so we bought her a pair of fake glasses to wear around the house. Well, she loves them so much that she won't take them off and even wears them when we go out.

Friday, August 28, 2009

My Fair Lady

The weather finally improved in time for us to catch the last day of the state fair. Corn dogs, chili fries and fried Oreos - what's not to love about a fair? Here are a couple of pictures:

Here's Emmie scoping out the midway games... Daddy had to withstand countless hecklers begging him to "Win one for the little one!"

Here's a shot of Emmie rethinking her decision to go on the crazy dragon roller coaster.
Finally, we determined that Emmie liked the super slide, so she got to go on that a bunch of times. Watch the fun below!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Gamer Chick

We took Emmie last weekend to GenCon, the biggest gaming convention in the world. They have it every year in Indy, so we thought we should check it out. Here are a couple of pictures:

Daddy recognized this statue right away from the old Magic the Gathering days...
Mommy unfortunately knew what it was too...(but she blames it on Daddy!)
Emmie wanted the sword...(to munch on)
At first Emmie was a little unsure as to what was going on, what with all the people wearing costumes and carrying lightsabers, but after a little bit she fit right in... Here's a picture of her tweeting her friends after winning a Yu-Gi-Oh! competition:

Thursday, August 20, 2009


I haven't posted any pictures or movies of Emmie at Gymboree in awhile, so here you go...

I may look like she is trying to share, but she was actually pulling the air shapes out of his mouth.


Emmie dancing to the Gymbo song!! Actually she is just stumbling around, but it is cute anyways.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Smiley Baby

Not sure why Emmie was so happy, but she just couldn't stop smiling.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Show me your moves!

Now the weather's not quite so beautiful, so Emmie has had to practice walking inside. She loves stumbling around to the music, as you can see below:

Of course, Emmie's dancing encouraged Daddy to dance, which got the following reaction:

Apparently the Funky Chicken isn't so cool anymore...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Backyard BBQ

The weather has been beautiful, so we decided to have a backyard BBQ today. We let Emmie loose in the backyard and she had a great time playing with her ball and even more fun when daddy would run at her and jump over her. Here are some pictures of the day.

Waiting patiently for daddy to finish the BBQ...what to do?
Come get the ball Daddy!!
AHHHH!!!! Daddy is going to land on me!

Phew!!! that was a close call, but I'm alright.