Friday, November 27, 2009

Turkey-Turkey Day

Hope all of you had a great Turkey Day! We had a fun time here at home; the weather was quite cold and wet, making it the perfect day to stay home and enjoy a fire. Here are some picture of the festivities:

Here's Emmie munching on a green onion while deciding on her next victim, err... vegetable.

Emmie got a variety of tasty foods to try, including cranberry sauce.
I'm guessing she thought it would be sweet....

Since she made the super-sour face once she ate it!

Nothing like a nice fire to lounge in front of after you stuff yourself...

And we'll end it with a fashion show!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

New Hat???

Emmie loves accessorizing her outfits with bracelets, scarves, shoes and especially hats. Here, Emmie is modeling the latest fashion in hatwear (which is really just a trick or treat bucket turned upside down) Don't tell her though, because she thought it looked good with her outfit.

Do you like my new hat?? I think the cat does.

I look good!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Rockin' Baby

Sorry we haven't posted in awhile, but nothing too exciting has been going on lately. Emerson has been busy babbling and trying to talk up a storm and she LOVES to sing now. We bought her a fake microphone and she likes to carry it around and sing whenever the mood strikes... even if she doesn't know the song that is playing. Below is a video of Emmie showing off her beautiful singing voice as well as some smooth dance moves.